The internet is full of scammers, vagabonds, lazy-ass people who want to steal from you, never give them the access to damage your reputation and your hard earned money, here are some tips to keep things safe on the internet:
1. Don't be a fool
Refer 10 people and get $500, that sounds cool, but beware!!! they might be scammers who just want to use you to launder money around, and might want to use your account details. Don't be too covetous
2. Always use a strong password
So many people like to use passwords that are easy to remember, not bad!, but it might just be too easy to hack, i will advise you to take extra steps to add more special characters to it like figures, punctuation to your password.
3. Mind the transactions you carry out on social networks
Always carryout your transactions via your banking platforms and not totally on your social media platform, also don't click on unnecessary adverts.
4. Use different emails
it is advisable to keep you business transaction emails differently from your social media emails, they say it's not advisable to put all eggs in a basket.
5. Cautions
whenever you suspect any activities on your account, change your password immediately, report to the website.
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